Fuckin' wicked, bitches!
It was another Sunday Night at Randolph Country Club, and, naturally... KARAOKE NIGHT!
You know I tore the bitch up. It was fucking great! We got there so early, too... it was wonderful. Cos, not a lot of people were there, when we showed up.
Cast List:
~ Jessica
~ Maria
~ Stef
~ and Yours Perfect...
So... I broke my fucking Karaoke Record! I normally do Five Songs. [mostly Kylie, and one Mixer-Upper].
This time... I really fucking outdid myself. One of the selections was a poor choice, on my part [but I did it out of Spite.], but the rest were phenomenal!
1. "Slow," by Kylie Minogue [cos that's always my opener! It's moderately-paced, within my range, and full of sensuality]
2. "Can't Get You Out Of My Head," by Kylie Minogue [why the fuck not? Everyone knows that one, and can dance along!]
3. "Fallen," by Mya [really bad choice for me... great song, but definitely not in my range... great song, nevertheless] [[~at this point in the evening, Mikey and Maria had already left~]]
4. "Livin' La Vida Loca," by Ricky Martin [just cos Jess makes me do it, every time. She likes it when I do Ricky. LMAO]
5. "I Begin To Wonder," by Dannii Minogue [I never knew this song was in the book. I plan to do it every time, now. It's in my range.]
6. "Jump (for my love)," by Girls Aloud [I was so excited to see Girls Aloud in Orlando's Karaoke Book, that I chose it, and forgot that I don't know all of the words, yet. But, that was definitely an 'Ony' song, said Stef and Jess] [I also plan to do this one, more often.]
7. "Kids," by Kylie Minogue & Robbie Williams [I did it as a duet with Marco, cos he kinda knew the song, and wanted to... I did perform it, the week before with Brian cos he loves Robbie Williams... but, Marco had a little more fun with it, even though he didn't know the words too well... but he wants to practice more, so that we can do it more often!]
So, yeah... they fucking loved 'Slow,' 'CGYOOMH,' and numbers 4 - 7. :) It was phenomenal! They especially loved 'Jump!' That made my night... like, Oh Shit! They like a Girls Aloud track!!! I also need to practice that one a little more... cos... I fucked up the second Bridge. I totally didn't realise that the second verse is only half-as-long as the first one, and the second Bridge follows right after. But...
I still rocked it out. I fucking Jumped up and down like a raving lunatic! It was brilliant! My best performance yet!
The whole night was a success. I loved it.
Jess has pictures of me, that I want... but Stef decided that it would be a good [and socially incriminating] idea to Record me doing "Livin' La Vida Loca." I knew she was doing it, too... [the little red light gave it away]
All-in-all... I had a blast. I fucking Love Maria and Stef. :)
Until Next Bloggie...
Love to you all, bitches!
31 December 2007
10 December 2007
[0NY] fucks Vaudeville, drunk.
So... I've been going to RCC [Randolph Country Club] every Sunday night, now, for weeks... cos Sunday Nights are Karaoke Nights. Well... can we just say that each Sunday, I've come out of my shell, more and more...
I'd been going with Jess, cos she loves going there. [Not gonna lie, so do I.] I love it. Everyone is usually very very friendly, the hosts [and most of the performers] are actually very personable, and will laugh with you [not at you].
This past Sunday was noooooooooooooo exception:
Ok, I arrive with Jess [I had her come get me, cos I wasn't going to risk taking the familienwagon on the highway, in ice, again] and go to sit down at the bar. She went tinkles, came back, and there were a slue of people at the bar. When she sat down, I noticed that our 'friend' Brandon was up there, doing some song that we don't even think he knew. [he has this habit of picking songs to perform, and when he does them... it sounds like he doesn't know the phrasing of the song whatsoever.] Cute kid, but completely oblivious. This had been the second week I've seen him [him not seeing me] since that first time we all hung out at Jay's house. Well.. Jess asks me if he'd come over to say Hi... and I told her that he hadn't, and that he hadn't done so, the week prior, either. Sure as shit, shortly after she said that, he comes over to us, and pounces on my face. ["OMG, I didn't know you were here... I mean, I looked up and over at the door, and a good scent hit me... like 'wow, someone smells really good!' and then I looked over and realised you were here!" So, like... he kissed my cheek once, during the conversation, then did it again, and almost a third time, before he went over and said Hi to Jess.
At this point in the evening Jess is giving me 'the look.' [Ony, you need to get up there, already.] I was just finishing my second Sex On The Beach [in three minutes]... and she tells me that she wants to hear me do "Slow," by Kylie Minogue, again. [She likes that one cos I OOOOOOZE Sexuality in it, and it's a lot better for my vocal range, cos it's in my lower register] I was shocked that the Karaoke Master had it, cos... no one out here knows these songs... Hahha... [I like doing Kylie-oke cos I already know all of the words to 98% of her songs, so I can focus more on the PERFORMANCE Aspect, and not necessarily at the 'Stare-at-the-Screen' Aspect]
So... I get up there, and it's time to "Slow down and dance with me... Yeah... Slow..." And, I was already all dolled-up, for this Sunday... so... I had to rock it the fuck out. So... I did. [There was a guy at the bar that was fucking hooooootttttttttt... and every time I went to perform, he'd just focus on me -- but he wouldn't say anything. I wasn't about to, cos I hate making the first move -- I let the boys come to Me!] But... for the first Verse and Chorus, he focused on NOTHING but Me. And... at this point, my Online friend MARCO walked in. I'd never really talked to him in person. He walked right past me, and I didn't really notice it was him. He did look familiar, though. So... He walks in with his 45-ishYO Boyfriend. [hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah] and sits down at the tables near the stage... I start doing my thing, and walk closer... close enough to start working the crowd [from a distance]. After all... it was my first song... I didn't want to seem too eager.
One Song Down.
After a third Sex On The Beach, and two shots of 'Tracey Juice' [bartender's own concoction; don't know what's in it] [for Me] Jess is about ready to throw me up there, again. I chose to do "Can't Get You Out Of My Head," by Kylie, cos... Jess likes that one, and she felt she needed to hear me do that one, also... cos the words are exactly what she needed to hear. Dear goddess. So, naturally, I obliged. This time, I went a little further into the room, during my performance, cos I was already starting to feel my "Liquid BRAVADO." So... I start walking and dancing around the entire front half of the room, with the table of girls that absolutely loved meeee... I could also see that Marco was singing along to the song, and doing most of the moves from the video in his stool. I felt great!
Two Songs Down.
I decided to tone my drinking down a bit, and have just a Smirnoff. A couple of "ok-performing" performers later, and I severely wanted to blow them out of the water. So, I suggested it, and Jess agreed, cos she knows how much fun that song is. I chose "Red Blooded Woman," by Kylie. This time, during my performance, I decided it was high time I make it further into the center of the room... so, what do I do...? I traipse around until I got the beginning of the bar [by the latter parts of the song, naturally] And, by that time, I had everybody there movin' and groovin' along with me... Fantastic!
Three Songs Down.
Right here, in the evening, I've officially cut myself off -- temporarily. [bwahahaha] I was already watching my cash disappear, so I figure, for the time being, I've had enough. I start perusing the Songbook, again... and couldn't decide what to do. I'd seen a few good potential tracks... and then I pointed one out, that I knew I could do, but was a little too afraid to do: a ballad. The bar-goers were so used to me doing Dance-y Pop-y tracks, and Jess immediately convinced me to do it. She said it would be an awesome change up, to having done Pop music most of the night. ...I chose "Un-break My Heart," by Toni Braxton. I KNOW... R I S K Y M O V E ! But... I had to do it, I was now determined to show them all that I could do it, too [it was also a lot closer to my better range than the other tracks, hahahahahahah]. And, when I did... it made me so glad that I did. The group's reaction to my song was intenseeeeeeee! I don't think I'd ever been received with so much Enthus. And I was pretty much EN POINTE!
Four Songs Down.
After that, my heart was POUNDING! It was a combination of intense Lung Usage [to belt out those amazing holds], and nerves, from having sung like that [for the first time in Four Years], and being loved for it. It really took my breath away. Hahahhhaha. So, by this time, I was ready for more alcohol. Tracey [the most amazing bartender EVER!] came over to us with a new product to try... she called it a White Christmas. She said that it'd had Egg Nog, Southern Comfort and White Chocolate in it... and, I tell you, the damn thing was amazing! I couldn't even taste the alcohol! So... I had a taste of the sample, and asked that she give me one. I was in heeeeeeeaven! And... it gave me enough "courage" to attempt one... last... song...: "Love At First Sight [2002]," by Kylie. Jess was PISSED that I did that one... You all know the words to that one...
"And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was Love, At First Sight...
...cos Baby, when I heard You
For the first time, I knew
We were meant to be as One..."
She thought that I was doing it as a direct call-out on her feelings toward a certain someone... that was not the case, at all. I chose that one, cos it was the last Kylie song left in the book! Hahahahahahahahahaha... so she got mad at me for no reason. Well... my Stage Presence and my Performance sold that one! Cos... everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was enjoying themselves at that point... and I was all over the fucking place... it was beautiful.
I'd totally had wayyyyyyy too much to drink.
...I think I'll be doing this a lot more. Every Sunday Night, in Randolph, bitches!
RANDOLPH COUNTRY CLUB, Sunday Nights... look for me... the fag with the Pink Hair.
[I'll be the one rockin' everybody's socks off.]
I'd been going with Jess, cos she loves going there. [Not gonna lie, so do I.] I love it. Everyone is usually very very friendly, the hosts [and most of the performers] are actually very personable, and will laugh with you [not at you].
This past Sunday was noooooooooooooo exception:
Ok, I arrive with Jess [I had her come get me, cos I wasn't going to risk taking the familienwagon on the highway, in ice, again] and go to sit down at the bar. She went tinkles, came back, and there were a slue of people at the bar. When she sat down, I noticed that our 'friend' Brandon was up there, doing some song that we don't even think he knew. [he has this habit of picking songs to perform, and when he does them... it sounds like he doesn't know the phrasing of the song whatsoever.] Cute kid, but completely oblivious. This had been the second week I've seen him [him not seeing me] since that first time we all hung out at Jay's house. Well.. Jess asks me if he'd come over to say Hi... and I told her that he hadn't, and that he hadn't done so, the week prior, either. Sure as shit, shortly after she said that, he comes over to us, and pounces on my face. ["OMG, I didn't know you were here... I mean, I looked up and over at the door, and a good scent hit me... like 'wow, someone smells really good!' and then I looked over and realised you were here!" So, like... he kissed my cheek once, during the conversation, then did it again, and almost a third time, before he went over and said Hi to Jess.
At this point in the evening Jess is giving me 'the look.' [Ony, you need to get up there, already.] I was just finishing my second Sex On The Beach [in three minutes]... and she tells me that she wants to hear me do "Slow," by Kylie Minogue, again. [She likes that one cos I OOOOOOZE Sexuality in it, and it's a lot better for my vocal range, cos it's in my lower register] I was shocked that the Karaoke Master had it, cos... no one out here knows these songs... Hahha... [I like doing Kylie-oke cos I already know all of the words to 98% of her songs, so I can focus more on the PERFORMANCE Aspect, and not necessarily at the 'Stare-at-the-Screen' Aspect]
So... I get up there, and it's time to "Slow down and dance with me... Yeah... Slow..." And, I was already all dolled-up, for this Sunday... so... I had to rock it the fuck out. So... I did. [There was a guy at the bar that was fucking hooooootttttttttt... and every time I went to perform, he'd just focus on me -- but he wouldn't say anything. I wasn't about to, cos I hate making the first move -- I let the boys come to Me!] But... for the first Verse and Chorus, he focused on NOTHING but Me. And... at this point, my Online friend MARCO walked in. I'd never really talked to him in person. He walked right past me, and I didn't really notice it was him. He did look familiar, though. So... He walks in with his 45-ishYO Boyfriend. [hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah] and sits down at the tables near the stage... I start doing my thing, and walk closer... close enough to start working the crowd [from a distance]. After all... it was my first song... I didn't want to seem too eager.
One Song Down.
After a third Sex On The Beach, and two shots of 'Tracey Juice' [bartender's own concoction; don't know what's in it] [for Me] Jess is about ready to throw me up there, again. I chose to do "Can't Get You Out Of My Head," by Kylie, cos... Jess likes that one, and she felt she needed to hear me do that one, also... cos the words are exactly what she needed to hear. Dear goddess. So, naturally, I obliged. This time, I went a little further into the room, during my performance, cos I was already starting to feel my "Liquid BRAVADO." So... I start walking and dancing around the entire front half of the room, with the table of girls that absolutely loved meeee... I could also see that Marco was singing along to the song, and doing most of the moves from the video in his stool. I felt great!
Two Songs Down.
I decided to tone my drinking down a bit, and have just a Smirnoff. A couple of "ok-performing" performers later, and I severely wanted to blow them out of the water. So, I suggested it, and Jess agreed, cos she knows how much fun that song is. I chose "Red Blooded Woman," by Kylie. This time, during my performance, I decided it was high time I make it further into the center of the room... so, what do I do...? I traipse around until I got the beginning of the bar [by the latter parts of the song, naturally] And, by that time, I had everybody there movin' and groovin' along with me... Fantastic!
Three Songs Down.
Right here, in the evening, I've officially cut myself off -- temporarily. [bwahahaha] I was already watching my cash disappear, so I figure, for the time being, I've had enough. I start perusing the Songbook, again... and couldn't decide what to do. I'd seen a few good potential tracks... and then I pointed one out, that I knew I could do, but was a little too afraid to do: a ballad. The bar-goers were so used to me doing Dance-y Pop-y tracks, and Jess immediately convinced me to do it. She said it would be an awesome change up, to having done Pop music most of the night. ...I chose "Un-break My Heart," by Toni Braxton. I KNOW... R I S K Y M O V E ! But... I had to do it, I was now determined to show them all that I could do it, too [it was also a lot closer to my better range than the other tracks, hahahahahahah]. And, when I did... it made me so glad that I did. The group's reaction to my song was intenseeeeeeee! I don't think I'd ever been received with so much Enthus. And I was pretty much EN POINTE!
Four Songs Down.
After that, my heart was POUNDING! It was a combination of intense Lung Usage [to belt out those amazing holds], and nerves, from having sung like that [for the first time in Four Years], and being loved for it. It really took my breath away. Hahahhhaha. So, by this time, I was ready for more alcohol. Tracey [the most amazing bartender EVER!] came over to us with a new product to try... she called it a White Christmas. She said that it'd had Egg Nog, Southern Comfort and White Chocolate in it... and, I tell you, the damn thing was amazing! I couldn't even taste the alcohol! So... I had a taste of the sample, and asked that she give me one. I was in heeeeeeeaven! And... it gave me enough "courage" to attempt one... last... song...: "Love At First Sight [2002]," by Kylie. Jess was PISSED that I did that one... You all know the words to that one...
"And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was Love, At First Sight...
...cos Baby, when I heard You
For the first time, I knew
We were meant to be as One..."
She thought that I was doing it as a direct call-out on her feelings toward a certain someone... that was not the case, at all. I chose that one, cos it was the last Kylie song left in the book! Hahahahahahahahahaha... so she got mad at me for no reason. Well... my Stage Presence and my Performance sold that one! Cos... everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was enjoying themselves at that point... and I was all over the fucking place... it was beautiful.
I'd totally had wayyyyyyy too much to drink.
...I think I'll be doing this a lot more. Every Sunday Night, in Randolph, bitches!
RANDOLPH COUNTRY CLUB, Sunday Nights... look for me... the fag with the Pink Hair.
[I'll be the one rockin' everybody's socks off.]
05 December 2007
National Piercing Day?!
News flash:
Apparently, 16 May is National Piercing Day.
[to go along with the first Friday in May being 'No Pants Day,' and 09 May being 'Brazilian Orgasm Day.']
...just thought you should know.
Apparently, 16 May is National Piercing Day.
[to go along with the first Friday in May being 'No Pants Day,' and 09 May being 'Brazilian Orgasm Day.']
...just thought you should know.
Pre-Orders and the Like.
So... this past month, and this current month...
Artists in the Music Industry have been keeping raaaather busy...
19th November saw the release of the Girls Aloud album, "Tangled Up."
[I pre-ordered that two weeks beforehand, from their website... which entitled me to an exclusive Fan Version, with an alternate cover/insert and autographed photocards.]
26th November saw the release of Kylie Minogue's new album [aptly-titled], "X." [being her 10th Studio album]
[I pre-ordered that in September. Loyal fan.] HOWEVER! I pre-ordered the Standard Edition... and, what fan would I be if I settled for the Standard Edition. The UK Fans are lucky... they have the option. In the US... we don't. So... I had the order cancelled... and then ordered the Deluxe Edition, which comes with a DVD about the Makings of 'X.' [It should be here shortly...]
10th December will see the release of Kylie Minogue's Documentary Feature-Length, "White Diamond." As an added Incentive... it will be shipped and sold as a double-DVD, the other DVD containing her highly-anticipated return to the stage: "Showgirl Homecoming Tour!" Fans have eagerly starved themselves, waiting for this Tour-de-Force Stage Spectacle to release on DVD, since halting the actual previous "Showgirl: The Greatest Hits Tour" before coming back to OZ, for the last half -- due to the Breast Cancer scenario. Homecoming sees a Joyous Kylie triumphantly set foot back on her Art Deco Concert Stage with more lights, more NEW sounds, more dancing... and many surprises.
[I pre-ordered it the day I r-epurchased the Deluxe Edition of 'X.' It should be here -- tentatively -- by Release Day.]
Yahoo! I have two fabulous Kylie works of art to anticipate. Yay!
Oh, and as an added sidenote...
04th December [today/yesterday] saw the release of Daft Punk's latest phenomenon, "Alive 2007." [In the US.]
And the two new Dannii Minogue albums, are WONDERFUL! ["Club Disco," -- available as an online download only -- and "Unleashed." Each has rarities and remixes, and random new tracks... but not ONE of them is the track she's releasing this December: "Touch Me Like That," with Jason Nevins.]
Artists in the Music Industry have been keeping raaaather busy...
19th November saw the release of the Girls Aloud album, "Tangled Up."
[I pre-ordered that two weeks beforehand, from their website... which entitled me to an exclusive Fan Version, with an alternate cover/insert and autographed photocards.]
26th November saw the release of Kylie Minogue's new album [aptly-titled], "X." [being her 10th Studio album]
[I pre-ordered that in September. Loyal fan.] HOWEVER! I pre-ordered the Standard Edition... and, what fan would I be if I settled for the Standard Edition. The UK Fans are lucky... they have the option. In the US... we don't. So... I had the order cancelled... and then ordered the Deluxe Edition, which comes with a DVD about the Makings of 'X.' [It should be here shortly...]
10th December will see the release of Kylie Minogue's Documentary Feature-Length, "White Diamond." As an added Incentive... it will be shipped and sold as a double-DVD, the other DVD containing her highly-anticipated return to the stage: "Showgirl Homecoming Tour!" Fans have eagerly starved themselves, waiting for this Tour-de-Force Stage Spectacle to release on DVD, since halting the actual previous "Showgirl: The Greatest Hits Tour" before coming back to OZ, for the last half -- due to the Breast Cancer scenario. Homecoming sees a Joyous Kylie triumphantly set foot back on her Art Deco Concert Stage with more lights, more NEW sounds, more dancing... and many surprises.
[I pre-ordered it the day I r-epurchased the Deluxe Edition of 'X.' It should be here -- tentatively -- by Release Day.]
Yahoo! I have two fabulous Kylie works of art to anticipate. Yay!
Oh, and as an added sidenote...
04th December [today/yesterday] saw the release of Daft Punk's latest phenomenon, "Alive 2007." [In the US.]
And the two new Dannii Minogue albums, are WONDERFUL! ["Club Disco," -- available as an online download only -- and "Unleashed." Each has rarities and remixes, and random new tracks... but not ONE of them is the track she's releasing this December: "Touch Me Like That," with Jason Nevins.]
Rippin' Up The Discoooooooo...
Rippin' Up The Disco
by Kylie Minogue
Down, down, down, down…
Micro love, Your satin dreams and glitter
The shuffle, shaking shiver
To mourn electro lady luck
Metallically reflecting your retromancy fashion and style
I never want to lose the glow
Strobe lightning take over my soul
Intrusion never let you go (away)
You won't control me now
I'm burning to feel it
Now I'm
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Really, if you think you're in me
Won't control me now
Ripping up the disco (won't control me now)
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Down, down, down, down…
Destiny, I'm hip to your persuasion
Your solid reputation
I follow who's at the red light road
Your slammin' greasy relish
So foxy funkadelic, you glow
Lights mantra I begin to move
Reaction spotlight on the groove
Suspicious, everybody wants (to play)
You won't control me now
I'm burning to feel it
Now I'm
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Really, if you think you're in me
Won't control me now
Ripping up the disco (won't control me now)
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
by Kylie Minogue
Down, down, down, down…
Micro love, Your satin dreams and glitter
The shuffle, shaking shiver
To mourn electro lady luck
Metallically reflecting your retromancy fashion and style
I never want to lose the glow
Strobe lightning take over my soul
Intrusion never let you go (away)
You won't control me now
I'm burning to feel it
Now I'm
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Really, if you think you're in me
Won't control me now
Ripping up the disco (won't control me now)
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Down, down, down, down…
Destiny, I'm hip to your persuasion
Your solid reputation
I follow who's at the red light road
Your slammin' greasy relish
So foxy funkadelic, you glow
Lights mantra I begin to move
Reaction spotlight on the groove
Suspicious, everybody wants (to play)
You won't control me now
I'm burning to feel it
Now I'm
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
Really, if you think you're in me
Won't control me now
Ripping up the disco (won't control me now)
Raving on the dancefloor
Ripping up the disco
Raving on the dancefloor
11 August 2007
31 July 2007
Fun, when you least expect it: Patrick.
Ok, so... get this.
About a month ago, I started talking to this guy, Patrick. At first, I was a little perplexed; I mean,
he's this Great Looking Irish Kid / Punk / Ex-Army Turned Fire-Fighter in Dorchester [24yo, stocky-beefy-footballplayer build, redhead/firebush] and he expressed an interest in, of all people, Me: this flaming queen from Brockton, as Gay as all hell...
We'd been talking and whatnot, and we just shared information, got to know each other. Now, I'm sure he's not looking for anything Long-Term, and I'm ok with that... I could always use more friends.
He IMs me, a week and a half ago, and he asks me what I'm doing, and if I'd like to hang out with him.
Of course, I told him that I'd love to. Little did I know [which I found out a little further into the conversation], he only really wanted to just mess around with me.
...I wasn't havin' any part of that.
Regardless of how I may look, or portray myself in my pictures... I'm not a whore, and refuse to be seen as such. I'm not interested in 'hooking-up' with anyone. It's overrated; I also find it emotionally unsatisfying. I mean, sure, it's fun in the moment... but, after it's already over, you're left feeling a little empty.
So, naturally, I let him know, upfront, that I don't do that; I'm not that kind of person/don't do that, anymore. Reasonably, I put him off, cos he was looking to plow me. [Definitely wasn't interested in having someone fuck me... I'm passionate, not an animal.] He wasn't really happy about that, but, he understood what I was saying.
Hadn't spoken to me, since then.
Ironically, he'd been checking up on me, and I was well-aware of it. I thought it was cute.
So, today, I get a message... and it's him, just asking what I was up to, or doing this evening, also having sent a picture of the one thing I haven't seen, yet. [mind you, it was midnight] I told him that I was already in bed, and chatting with Jamez. So he asked if I'd want to see him. I told him that I didn't have a car, cos I got into the accident on Friday [27 July 2007, 'death of my car']. He told me that he'd come to see me...
Without much surprise, he asked about messing around, and all that other junk. I told him no, and he was sad. [sensing a pattern?] I told him, that if he were to come and see me, we would just drive around, and we'll talk and stuff... but no funny business. He agreed. [before I said 'Yes.'] Then, he kept insisting and insisting... talking about rimming and whatnot. [Funny enough, that always does the trick for me. Hahahahahahahahahaha] He dropped it, and said that if something were to happen, hot, if nothing happens, that's ok, too. So, I agreed, expecting that nothing would happen... or if so, maybe just making-out. He showed up at about 0150am.
He was definitely a lot more masculine than I thought he was going to be. Only cos most guys that express an interest in me, are strange. He was masculine, good-looking and sane. It came as a shock. I get in the car, and we start talking... with his hand on my leg, rubbing. We park on the side of a quiet road, and, the center seat bar [he drives an older Crown Victoria] comes up, puts his arm around me... then commences the make-out fest. [Yay!] He's a very passionate kisser. He did that thing I absolutely love, where, as you're making-out, you both have your mouths open on top of one another, and you breathe in each other's aire, lips touching... intensely hott. He has a spot of trouble, trying to undo my belt, cos I had put the buckle on the side, for that reason exactly. Still making-out, he leans in closer to me, holds me tighter to him, and moves my hand to his shorts. [Now, I was expecting that we'd talk for a long time, and that we weren't going to do that, cos he agreed to the stipulations I'd set forth. Boy, was I misinformed.] His picture made it look big; it was much bigger than the image had suggested. This feeling of fear and panic took me over. He has me give him head while poking my bum with his fingers, and actually used dirty talk. I stopped what I was doing, and asked him if he seriously intended on doing that. He looked at me, funny, but immediately put a cease to it.
Next thing I know, the passenger seat's tilting back, he flipped me over, and started rimming me. I didn't let on, cos I was pretending to be put off... but it rocked my world. Shifts me over a little more, and then decides to break out a bottle of lube he had, in the pocket of the driver's side door. I immediately turn my head back, and question his motives. Lubed me up, lubed himself up, and started slip-sliding around that area. He didn't really try to enter, which was a relief, but managed to slip enough so that, every so often, he'd be knocking at the entrance and surprised me. He'd just hold me closer to his body, and slid around. Then, much to my dismay, breaks out a Magnum and puts it on. I stopped dead in my tracks. He looks at me, and all I said was No. So, he gives me another look, and starts lubing me and him up, again. This time, he grabs ahold of my pen-is, and started stroking it, as he'd make-out with me, to try and distract me, into entering. I stopped him, and told him that I knew what he was doing. Everytime I'd refuse, he'd tell me that he couldn't help it, cos I have a really hot and cute little ass.
So, he started moving a little more swiftly and harder. This time, without hesitation, he entered. Didn't get it all in there [he's between 8" and 9", and ridiculously thick], but got more and more in there, everytime he'd pull back out a bit. At first, I'd really been bothered by it, cos he went against what I told him, blatantly and persistently. The more he did it, arguably, the more accustomed to it I became. Not at any point did he ever make it all the way in, but gradually did, more and more. He then took it upon himself to flip me over, on my back and face him. [to make matters worse, and easier for him to get in there.] He also got faster and harder... he'd do the 'go fast and hard, then go slow and steady' and alternate frequently... The next sexual thing he'd said was that he was really close, and if I'd wanted him to cum. I told him that I did, half-expecting I'd get to see it happen. Sadly mistaken. At this point, I was actually into the situation, and head-on. He starts making the faces, and cums. The problem...: he came inside the condom, inside me. He didn't pull out and take the condom off to cum on my tummy... :( I let him know that I was disappointed, cos I figured he'd let go on my stomach, and told me that at least he was wearing a condom, and did it in there. He was actually good about that, but I'd have preferred it on me; where I could see it. He told me that I wore him out; he was sweating as much as a pig after he finds out he's getting cooked next.
Ironically, I enjoyed his company, and I didn't mind messing around with him... cos he was a nice guy, and was around my age [which is NEVER a problem.]. He was also really, really cool. On the way back home, I asked him the most important question in my repertoire...: "So, are you Bi, Curious or Gay?"
He told me that he was Gay... and, for some reason, that shocked me. I also half-expected him to say that he was Bi. I told him why I was surprised, and why it mattered [cos I only really seem to attract Bisexual Boys, and I really hate that, cos there's the chance that they could always go Straight]. He told me that he thought that maybe he could be Bi, cos he has had sex with girls, and such... But, he hasn't in a long time, and probably might not. [Not what I wanted to hear; I'd preferred he'd stay Gay]
We parked in front of my house, and we talked for a little bit about him being a firefighter and what his days are like, and what his schedule is like, and all that fun stuff. As we parted ways, he did something else that shocked me:
He said goodbye with a kiss on the lips.
Normally, I do that with all of my friends... but, I didn't expect him to do that. He kissed me on the lips, put an arm around me, kissed my cheek, and continued with a hug.
Now, cos of the fact that he is so masculine, I didn't even see the lip-kiss coming -- reason being that it's traditionally a Very Gay thing to do, like, reserved for the homos like me. I was turned-on.
I thought it was sweet. We ended the date/meeting at about 0245.
So, for the bad Monday I had at work, he more than made up for it. I was very glad that I finally gave in to his request, and met him.
I made a cool new friend, and I told him that I'd love to hang out with him, again, anytime.
Goodnight, everybody. I'm off to bed. Those 8" / 9" knocked me out.
Now playing: Kylie Minogue - Can't Get Blue Monday Out of My Head
via FoxyTunes
Ok, so... get this.
About a month ago, I started talking to this guy, Patrick. At first, I was a little perplexed; I mean,
he's this Great Looking Irish Kid / Punk / Ex-Army Turned Fire-Fighter in Dorchester [24yo, stocky-beefy-footballplayer build, redhead/firebush] and he expressed an interest in, of all people, Me: this flaming queen from Brockton, as Gay as all hell...
We'd been talking and whatnot, and we just shared information, got to know each other. Now, I'm sure he's not looking for anything Long-Term, and I'm ok with that... I could always use more friends.
He IMs me, a week and a half ago, and he asks me what I'm doing, and if I'd like to hang out with him.
Of course, I told him that I'd love to. Little did I know [which I found out a little further into the conversation], he only really wanted to just mess around with me.
...I wasn't havin' any part of that.
Regardless of how I may look, or portray myself in my pictures... I'm not a whore, and refuse to be seen as such. I'm not interested in 'hooking-up' with anyone. It's overrated; I also find it emotionally unsatisfying. I mean, sure, it's fun in the moment... but, after it's already over, you're left feeling a little empty.
So, naturally, I let him know, upfront, that I don't do that; I'm not that kind of person/don't do that, anymore. Reasonably, I put him off, cos he was looking to plow me. [Definitely wasn't interested in having someone fuck me... I'm passionate, not an animal.] He wasn't really happy about that, but, he understood what I was saying.
Hadn't spoken to me, since then.
Ironically, he'd been checking up on me, and I was well-aware of it. I thought it was cute.
So, today, I get a message... and it's him, just asking what I was up to, or doing this evening, also having sent a picture of the one thing I haven't seen, yet. [mind you, it was midnight] I told him that I was already in bed, and chatting with Jamez. So he asked if I'd want to see him. I told him that I didn't have a car, cos I got into the accident on Friday [27 July 2007, 'death of my car']. He told me that he'd come to see me...
Without much surprise, he asked about messing around, and all that other junk. I told him no, and he was sad. [sensing a pattern?] I told him, that if he were to come and see me, we would just drive around, and we'll talk and stuff... but no funny business. He agreed. [before I said 'Yes.'] Then, he kept insisting and insisting... talking about rimming and whatnot. [Funny enough, that always does the trick for me. Hahahahahahahahahaha] He dropped it, and said that if something were to happen, hot, if nothing happens, that's ok, too. So, I agreed, expecting that nothing would happen... or if so, maybe just making-out. He showed up at about 0150am.
He was definitely a lot more masculine than I thought he was going to be. Only cos most guys that express an interest in me, are strange. He was masculine, good-looking and sane. It came as a shock. I get in the car, and we start talking... with his hand on my leg, rubbing. We park on the side of a quiet road, and, the center seat bar [he drives an older Crown Victoria] comes up, puts his arm around me... then commences the make-out fest. [Yay!] He's a very passionate kisser. He did that thing I absolutely love, where, as you're making-out, you both have your mouths open on top of one another, and you breathe in each other's aire, lips touching... intensely hott. He has a spot of trouble, trying to undo my belt, cos I had put the buckle on the side, for that reason exactly. Still making-out, he leans in closer to me, holds me tighter to him, and moves my hand to his shorts. [Now, I was expecting that we'd talk for a long time, and that we weren't going to do that, cos he agreed to the stipulations I'd set forth. Boy, was I misinformed.] His picture made it look big; it was much bigger than the image had suggested. This feeling of fear and panic took me over. He has me give him head while poking my bum with his fingers, and actually used dirty talk. I stopped what I was doing, and asked him if he seriously intended on doing that. He looked at me, funny, but immediately put a cease to it.
Next thing I know, the passenger seat's tilting back, he flipped me over, and started rimming me. I didn't let on, cos I was pretending to be put off... but it rocked my world. Shifts me over a little more, and then decides to break out a bottle of lube he had, in the pocket of the driver's side door. I immediately turn my head back, and question his motives. Lubed me up, lubed himself up, and started slip-sliding around that area. He didn't really try to enter, which was a relief, but managed to slip enough so that, every so often, he'd be knocking at the entrance and surprised me. He'd just hold me closer to his body, and slid around. Then, much to my dismay, breaks out a Magnum and puts it on. I stopped dead in my tracks. He looks at me, and all I said was No. So, he gives me another look, and starts lubing me and him up, again. This time, he grabs ahold of my pen-is, and started stroking it, as he'd make-out with me, to try and distract me, into entering. I stopped him, and told him that I knew what he was doing. Everytime I'd refuse, he'd tell me that he couldn't help it, cos I have a really hot and cute little ass.
So, he started moving a little more swiftly and harder. This time, without hesitation, he entered. Didn't get it all in there [he's between 8" and 9", and ridiculously thick], but got more and more in there, everytime he'd pull back out a bit. At first, I'd really been bothered by it, cos he went against what I told him, blatantly and persistently. The more he did it, arguably, the more accustomed to it I became. Not at any point did he ever make it all the way in, but gradually did, more and more. He then took it upon himself to flip me over, on my back and face him. [to make matters worse, and easier for him to get in there.] He also got faster and harder... he'd do the 'go fast and hard, then go slow and steady' and alternate frequently... The next sexual thing he'd said was that he was really close, and if I'd wanted him to cum. I told him that I did, half-expecting I'd get to see it happen. Sadly mistaken. At this point, I was actually into the situation, and head-on. He starts making the faces, and cums. The problem...: he came inside the condom, inside me. He didn't pull out and take the condom off to cum on my tummy... :( I let him know that I was disappointed, cos I figured he'd let go on my stomach, and told me that at least he was wearing a condom, and did it in there. He was actually good about that, but I'd have preferred it on me; where I could see it. He told me that I wore him out; he was sweating as much as a pig after he finds out he's getting cooked next.
Ironically, I enjoyed his company, and I didn't mind messing around with him... cos he was a nice guy, and was around my age [which is NEVER a problem.]. He was also really, really cool. On the way back home, I asked him the most important question in my repertoire...: "So, are you Bi, Curious or Gay?"
He told me that he was Gay... and, for some reason, that shocked me. I also half-expected him to say that he was Bi. I told him why I was surprised, and why it mattered [cos I only really seem to attract Bisexual Boys, and I really hate that, cos there's the chance that they could always go Straight]. He told me that he thought that maybe he could be Bi, cos he has had sex with girls, and such... But, he hasn't in a long time, and probably might not. [Not what I wanted to hear; I'd preferred he'd stay Gay]
We parked in front of my house, and we talked for a little bit about him being a firefighter and what his days are like, and what his schedule is like, and all that fun stuff. As we parted ways, he did something else that shocked me:
He said goodbye with a kiss on the lips.
Normally, I do that with all of my friends... but, I didn't expect him to do that. He kissed me on the lips, put an arm around me, kissed my cheek, and continued with a hug.
Now, cos of the fact that he is so masculine, I didn't even see the lip-kiss coming -- reason being that it's traditionally a Very Gay thing to do, like, reserved for the homos like me. I was turned-on.
I thought it was sweet. We ended the date/meeting at about 0245.
So, for the bad Monday I had at work, he more than made up for it. I was very glad that I finally gave in to his request, and met him.
I made a cool new friend, and I told him that I'd love to hang out with him, again, anytime.
Goodnight, everybody. I'm off to bed. Those 8" / 9" knocked me out.
Now playing: Kylie Minogue - Can't Get Blue Monday Out of My Head
via FoxyTunes
29 July 2007
This Is Not Real Love
T h i s - I s - N o t - R e a l - L o v e
George Michael & Mutya Buena (and Black text is sung together.)
Don't kiss me, darling
I want you to hear the things I say
I loved you in my way
But you know I'm gonna leave you
The clock was always ticking
And your heart,
Yes I know your heart is always on the run
I hate what I've become
But I'm still gonna leave you
And I don't think you should stay for the night
Baby you know that my flesh is weak
You know I simply
I cannot sleep without you
My heart has simply nowhere to go
Nothing to hold
Those tears you're crying
Time and time again you take me back in baby
You don't have to make it plain
This is not real love
Look at us dancing baby
Let's dance and show them all
(Dance and show them all)
How close we are
The lies have worked so far
So we go on deceiving
But darling don't you know the time
Baby, look at yourself, holding back the tide
Like you've got something else up your sleeve
That's why I've got to leave
And I don't think you should stay here tonight
(Baby don't you know that my flesh is weak, you know)
I simply I cannot sleep without you
But someday I'll have nothing to show
(Nothing to show)
(Nothing to show)
I've nothing to hold
Oh, baby, crying
All those simple things that won't come again
Oh do I have to make it plain
This is not real love
And I said this is not real love
Real love
Baby it don't glisten and shine the way it used to
This is not real love (real love)
Baby think of all the promises I made on the day that I seduced you
Baby don't wait for me like some angel of tragedy
I have to set you free
Darling you should be long gone, oh long gone by now
You should be with someone, someone
Glisten and shine
You promised me
You've gotta face it woman, you ain't ever gonna change me
Where will I go, what do I know
About life without you
You promised me you'd never leave me, no
This is not real love
I have to leave you, and you know why
Tell me
There are some nuns (some nuns)
With their tits out
I have to wank over them
Glisten and shine
You promised me
You gotta face it, I like nuns with their tits out
And that's real love
Now playing: George Michael & Mutya Buena - This Is Not Real Love (Moto Blanco Club Mix)
via FoxyTunes
28 July 2007
The Lindsay A Curtin Memorial Scholarship Committee's 1st Annual 'Dollar$ for Knowledge Angel Walk - Fundraiser'
If you, or anyone you know, knew Lindsay Curtin [Cardinal Spellman High School, 2006], please come out tomorrow, and show your support with those who knew and loved her.
Lindsay died last March, of Cystic Fibrosis, just before a 3-organ transplant.
The Event / Walk will be held tomorrow, Sunday 29 July 2007, at DW Fields Park in Brockton MA. It's from 08am to 02pm.

Her name is Lindsay, and she is an Angel.
Do your part, and remember...
"It's for Lindsay."
Lindsay died last March, of Cystic Fibrosis, just before a 3-organ transplant.
The Event / Walk will be held tomorrow, Sunday 29 July 2007, at DW Fields Park in Brockton MA. It's from 08am to 02pm.
Her name is Lindsay, and she is an Angel.
Do your part, and remember...
"It's for Lindsay."
28 May 2007
Today, 28 May 2007 is Kylie Minogue's 39th Birthday.
After having endured a Breast Cancer episode, Kylie triumphs over all...
And today, on this day, we celebrate her 39th Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Kylie.
"Like a pure White Diamond, I'll shine on and on."

After having endured a Breast Cancer episode, Kylie triumphs over all...
- returning to her stage as the new 'Showgirl: Homecoming Tour' began in the fall of 2006, in her native Australia
- arranging with H&M to be the spokeswoman of a new Limited Summer Loungewear/Beachwear Line called "H&M♥Kylie."
And today, on this day, we celebrate her 39th Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Kylie.
"Like a pure White Diamond, I'll shine on and on."
26 May 2007
the KYLE Underwear Model... he's ridiculously hot, and strangely familiar.
Ok... so the model for the KYLE line of Men's Undergarments is extremely hot, if I do say so myself. To quote most girls this day and age... "He's BANGIN'!"
But, he also kind-of reminds me of someone I haven't seen in a few months... does anyone know what happened to John Starosky? He hasn't been to see me at work in a while, and I was getting kinda worried.
Anyway... Ladies, Gentlemen, and Lady-like Gentlemen... here he is!

And, here are a couple up-close of his front-and-backsides. : )

But, he also kind-of reminds me of someone I haven't seen in a few months... does anyone know what happened to John Starosky? He hasn't been to see me at work in a while, and I was getting kinda worried.
Anyway... Ladies, Gentlemen, and Lady-like Gentlemen... here he is!
And, here are a couple up-close of his front-and-backsides. : )
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